Watchmen Academy

The Watchmen Academy of New Judah

Homeschooling, Before and After School Programming, Tutoring, Mentoring, and More.


The Watchmen Academy of New Judah is proud to sponsor The Boston Homeschooling Lunch and Recess Group.

Our next meeting is:

Bring a bag lunch and join us for games.

Hope to see you there.

Watchmen Academy is the education division of New Judah.  We serve the children of The Most High of all ages.

We are never too old or young to learn from one another, therefore it is imperative that we are good examples of what is needed to heal the world.

Our mission is to be a support for all of the Creator’s children that are part of the New Judah organization.  We aim to sponsor our youth so they do not have to worry about anything aside from their education.

For too many generations, our children have had their childhood abbreviated by stress and worry- before they can learn empathy they are forced to learn self-preservation. They are children.  They should not have to worry about taking care of themselves, in fact, none of us should.  We should look out for one another and never have to worry about ourselves.

Many of the people in our community have never truly experienced stability- moving every year, not knowing where the next meal was coming from, not being comfortable in their clothes, or their skin for that matter, is no way for anyone to have to live, but unfortunately, too many of our brothers and sisters have suffered this reality for generations.  We were made to be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers.  As a community, we need healers, educators, and advocates- we need to raise them up in the knowledge of The Most High and the knowledge of communal economics.  We want the next generation to understand that we are not building a brand.  We are rebuilding a people- a nation of kings, queens, and priests that will change the world by being examples of what our Creator designed us to be.

Watchmen Academy is more than homeschool.  We  aim to tutor and guide students, from any grade or school, in any subject area.  We want to ensure success for all students.  Every child should have access to tutors and mentors from the first day of their education through their last.

At Watchmen Academy, we realize that it is better to guide learning through experiences and engaging activities than by forced instruction, which some may tune out.  Our curriculum is developmentally appropriate and specifically individualized for each student.

The Watchmen Academy of New Judah is structured in such a way that our students do not age out of our program, they simply progress:

Infant/Toddler Program (0-3yrs): Intro to Self Skills, Intro to Agricultural Skills, Intro to Community Skills

Younger Kids Program (4-7yrs): Self Skills, Agricultural Skills, Community Skills, Intro to Entrepreneurial/Financial Skills

Older Kids Program (8-12yrs): Agricultural Skills, Community Skills, Entrepreneurial/Financial Skills, Intro to Health/Wellness

Youth Program (13-17yrs): Intro to advanced Agricultural Skills, Intro to advanced Community Skills, Intro to Advanced Entrepreneurial/Financial Skills, Intro to Advanced Health/Wellness Skills, Intro to Trade Skills, Intro to Driving Skills

Young Adult Program (18-24yrs): Advanced Agricultural Skills, Advanced Community Skills, Advanced Entrepreneurial/Financial Skills, Advanced Health/Wellness Skills, Advanced Trade Skills, Advanced Driving Skills

Adult Program (25yrs+): Mastery of Agricultural Skills, Mastery of Community Skills, Mastery of Entrepreneurial/Financial Skills, Mastery of Health/Wellness Skills, Mastery of Trade Skills, Mastery of Driving Skills

Tuition: $5,200 per year ($13,000 for infant/toddler program)

Thank you in advance for your support.